
Hello and welcome! We are Ben and Jess and this is our adventure into the world of blogging and everything that comes with it. We are a young couple from England with a keen interest in travelling and this blog is our attempt to combine our passion for travel with our other areas of interest like cooking, fitness, philosophy and really anything else that we takes our fancy, to inform, entertain and inspire others! We have both had a taste of travelling over the past few years but not nearly enough for our liking and plan to spend much more of our lives seeing new places and experiencing different cultures and ways of life.

Our travelling experience so far consists of a variety of places around Europe and a two month camper-van trip around New Zealand. Our aim with this blog is to keep you updated on our journey and share with you what we do, see, think and feel whilst at home in the UK or travelling abroad. We will try to provide you with any advice we feel we can offer on how to learn from both our mistakes (since we’re both fairly new to adult life, travel and blogging we expect there will be plenty of these!) and our successes (hopefully!).

Where the direction of this blog will ultimately go we really have no idea but we’re already having a lot of fun running it and we have every intention of continuing. So come along on our journey with us and we hope you have as much fun as we plan to! 🙂


16 thoughts on “About

  1. Some of the pictures on your blog are stunning.

    With regards to your comments on my blog, you are right! I don’t think going to university was pointless, I think my degree was pointless!! I really wanna go back and so something that I am interested in next time.

    • Thanks very much! And that makes more sense, both me and my girlfriend are in a similar position where our degrees are not now what we would choose to study if we could go back but we did get a lot out of university nonetheless. Thanks for the comments and the follow, looking forward to keeping up with your blog!

  2. Hello 🙂 I came over to have a nosy at your blog. You guys should really visit Scotland – especially with the Edinburgh Festival happening soon. Oh, and your blog is really fun – I loved the post about Keeping Fit. Jess looks like she is trying so hard not to burst out laughing! 😀

    • Hello! We would love to visit Scotland, one of the travel trips we’ve spoken of doing is to travel to different places all over the UK, even though it’s our home there’s still so many places here we’ve not seen 🙂 I just looked up the Edinburgh Festival and it sounds so fun!

      Not gonna lie I totally did keep bursting out laughing, mostly because I kept falling over! :p

      Thanks for the lovely comment and love you blog, some really creative stuff!

    • Hello! We’re always very excited to get a new follower and ‘honored’ is an appropriate description for us too, as well as being relevant to your posts on the topic! 🙂

      Thank you and the same to you.

      Ben and Jess.

    • Hello belsbror, thank you so much for the nomination, we’re very honoured you thought of us for these awards. Since these are the first we’ve received we hadn’t given any thought to awards before but on thinking about it we have decided for personal reasons that we don’t want to participate in awards and nominations at this point. We hope you understand and thanks very much again for nominating us, it’s very kind of you 🙂

      • Sorry for the late reply. Connection problems.
        As to the awards, it is okay. No problem. Call it my appreciation. 🙂

  3. Greetings, thank you so much for dropping by to my blog and for the follow. It was my greatest pleasure and gratitude to have you guys and would definitely following you back. Awesome blog you have. Can’t wait for your latest post! Will keep you guys updated as well from my blog. Best, Mr. Zie Amin.

Let us know your thoughts :)